Kashmiri Language – Its Origin & Development

Kashmiri language is the language of the valley of Kashmir. In a dialectic form, it has spread South-west into the valley of Kishtwar and to the South, it has flowed over the Pir Pantsal range into the lower hills lying north of river Chinab where it appears in a number of mixed dialects. People of Kashmir call this language Koshur. As per the census figures of 1981, there were about 31 Lac native speakers of the language in Kashmir. However, the J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages puts the total number of people understanding or speaking Kashmiri worldwide at about 100 Lacs.

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Our Mothertongue & Our Apathy Towards It

Kashmiri language, our mother-tongue is really in a bad shape. Firstly, we reduced it to a third category language, taking pride to speak in English (followed by Hinglish or Hindustani) most of the time and with most of our intimates, even with our spouse and children. Our logic is simple; what use is the language which cannot give us degrees and livelihood? Continue reading “Our Mothertongue & Our Apathy Towards It”

Katha Sarit Sagar – Video Series

Katha Sarit Sagar – Fairy Tales & Folk Tales